The Umpire Clinic for Returning Youth Umpires and New Adult Umpires in District 5 will take place on Saturday, March from 1:00PM to 3:00PM at Viewlynn Park.

The Umpire Clinic for New Youth Umpires will take place on Sunday, March 2 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM at Viewlynn Park.

Umpires must sign up here to attend the clinics, and please arrive 15 minutes early to check in. Youth Umpires must be at least 11 years old and will officiate games in divisions below their own.

Being a youth umpire in Little League is a fun and rewarding experience that builds confidence and resiliency. It’s also a great way for young players to start earning money. Umpires will be invited to monthly meetings to review recent game scenarios and ask questions. With our highest registration numbers ever, LV will have lots of games from AA through to Majors that will need umpires. We will also be hosting our annual Canada Day 9 Selects tournament at Kilmer Park again, with a huge number of Umping shifts that will need to be filled.

Our Umpire Coordinator Paul can be reached via e-mail to:

For general inquiries, please contact