Opening Day is fast approaching and we couldn’t be more excited. All LVLL players from ALL divisions are expected to attend Opening Day ceremonies on Saturday, April 5th%.% Opening Day is one of the highlights of the season as it’s the only opportunity to have...
The Umpire Clinic for Returning Youth Umpires and New Adult Umpires in District 5 will take place on Saturday, March from 1:00PM to 3:00PM at Viewlynn Park. The Umpire Clinic for New Youth Umpires will take place on Sunday, March 2 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM at Viewlynn...
With the success of District 5 Girls Baseball’s inaugural season in 2024, the D5 Girls Program is back for its 2nd Season! With the rising popularity of girls’ baseball (Women’s Professional Baseball League coming in 2026!) the program’s goal...
Attention all Grad 2025 students who have played for Lynn Valley Little League (“LVLL”)! LVLL has a $1000 scholarship that we would like to give out to 2 alumnae of Lynn Valley Little League. MANDATORY QUALIFICATION Must be part of the graduating class of 2025, and...
Hello LVLL, As our 65th season of baseball comes to a close, I think we can all agree that it was a great season of ball at LVLL! First and foremost I would like to thank our volunteers. As a 100% volunteer-run organization, we simply would not exist if it...
Please take a few minutes to nominate and help celebrate all of the AMAZING volunteers that make Lynn Valley Little League so great! We are now accepting nominations for Coach of the Year and Volunteer of the Year, for the 2024 season. Nominations for 2024 Coach of...